Climate Change

Signs of Climate Change and Their Effects on the Earth

Higher average global temperatures as a result of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane trapping heat in the atmosphere. Air currents and wind patterns will be affected, changing weather patterns leading to an increase in droughts in some places and heavy flooding in others. Fires will become increasingly common as vegetation dries up and soil will reduce in quality, preventing any chance of agriculture.

Ocean levels will rise as glaciers melt, leading to rising sea levels which will continually erode coastal shores. Loss of ice and snow, which naturally reflect light and heat back into space (opposite of greenhouse gas effect), will create a positive feedback loop in Earth’s rising temperatures. Additionally, heat will get absorbed into bodies of water instead, leading warmer oceans that will also adversely affect air and wind patterns.

Effects on People

The financial status of refugees varies in the country they are in, where countries like Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen provide basic assistance and healthcare through asylum camps. However, over the last few years, the quality of these camps have deteriorated, where food rations are reduced. Due to the low standard of living and lack of freedom in the camps, there are some undocumented Somalis that live in urban areas, forfeiting their refugee statuses. Access to employment also depends on the country they move to, but it is generally difficult to obtain. Somali refugees are denied employment in Ethiopia and Kenya and employment in Egypt is almost impossible. As a result, Somali refugees can only work in small businesses or domestic labor. Loss of state and UNHCR support narrows aid down to only private charity and religious organisations.

Things You Can Do to Combat Climate Change

Change up your diet: The agriculture industry has negatively impacted the Earth in terms of methane emissions and fossil fuel use to transport goods in the global economy. Shop for food locally and eat more vegetables. Try to switch out some dairy products such as milk or yogurt for alternatives. You do not have to become vegan, but you can try swapping out beef for fish, turkey, and chicken, which take up much less water to produce, and have the benefit of being much healthier.

Discuss it with others: The more that the general public is aware of the causes and impacts of climate change, the more likely for them to believe it is an important issue. Additionally, many people in the US do not believe that it is a real issue due to politicians pushing the narrative of corporations, so having that conversation will be equally important.

Push your legislators to enact climate change policies: Email or call your politicians to push for legislation that would promote a better Earth such as using renewable energy or pushing for a carbon tax. If that does not work and they are backed by corporate interests, vote them out in the next term and help get their opponent elected.

Reduce your carbon footprint: Although private corporations contribute the most to climate change and created the idea of reducing a carbon footprint to offload it onto consumers, it can still be a good thing to do. Instead of taking a car, perhaps try to walk or bike to places. Turn off lights and unplug appliances when they are not in use.