Crisis Hub

Uyghur Crisis

The Uyghurs are a culturally and ethnically Turkic people living in East Turkestan and Central Asia, neighbored by Mongolia, Tibet, India, China, and Kazakhstan. Currently, about 11 million predominantly Muslim and Turkic-speaking Uyghurs live in northwestern region of Xinjiang, China, also known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

South Sudan Crisis

Nearly 2.3 million South Sudanese have fled South Sudan and 1.87 million remain internally displaced in South Sudan. These refugees face food insecurity, malnourishment, and fear of being assaulted. It is said to be the largest refugee crisis in Africa and is the 3rd largest refugee crisis in the world after Syria and Afghanistan.

Yemen Crisis

Today, innocent lives in Yemen continue to be lost not only as a result of the Yemen Civil War, but also the destruction of Yemen’s infrastructure from the exchange of attacks between Saudi-led opposition forces and Houthis forces. Below is a brief overview of the crisis along with links to more info and ways to support those impacted by the crisis.

Somali Crisis

Somalia is on the eastern side of Africa and it borders Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Somalia is known for it’s very dry and hot weather due to its close proximation to the equator. In 2018, approximately 880,000 Somalis lost their homes and the numbers continue to rise at high rates. This leads them to seek shelters for housing and food.

Northern Triangle Crisis

The Northern Triangle refugees crisis centers around the three countries in Central America: Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The refugees of these nations have been placed in circumstances of violence and poverty, caused by political instability.

Lebanon Crisis

It has been almost 10 years since the Syrian refugee crisis began, forcing millions of people to seek refuge in other countries. One such country, Lebanon, has taken in approximately 1.5 million Syrian refugees since the crisis began. The large number of refugees has placed a huge burden onto the economy and infrastructure of Lebanon.

Palestinian Eviction Crisis

The Israeli government has tried to remove the Arab population of Sheikh Jarrah in order to replace them with an entirely Jewish settlement, which echoes Israel’s main goal of ethnic cleansing and removal of Palestinians from Jerusalem and Israel as a whole.

Myanmar Crisis

The Rohingya are an ethnic Muslim minority who practice a variation of Sunni Islam, which differs from the predominant Buddhist groups of Myanmar. The Myanmar government has institutionalized discrimination on this group of people through restrictions on marriage, amount of children allowed, employment, education, and religion.