GROWTHH Education Program

Student applications are now closed! Please fill out our interest form to be informed of further developments!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at!

Our Reason

Minimum wage in Tijuana is unable to cover even the cost of living with only the bare necessities. Our Education Program has been developed with the intention of creating more opportunities for early adults.

Our Philosophy

The GROWTHH Education Program is designed to teach English to students in Tijuana in a short period of time through online video calls and messaging. We have several levels to cater to different starting English capabilities.

Our Impact

Our students in Tijuana show amazing resilience in the face of their hardships by participating in our program and meeting our high expectations. In addition, they are able to form substantial connections with their teachers.   

Our Future

The GROWTHH Education Program is continuously looking for ways to improve our curriculum and the learning environment of the students.  This is possible with the help of generous donations to our organization.


Interested in becoming a teacher?

Why are we teaching 
them English?

In Tijuana, the hourly minimum wage for a worker is $0.51. Compare that to average the hourly minimum wage of $7.25 in the US. By learning English, we are able to give opportunities for students to work in better working conditions with almost three times the minimum wage in places such as call centers or tourist areas. For this reason, we have designed this program to each late teens to early adults English through the online communication app known as WhatsApp.

How do we plan on 

We have developed a curriculum with 3 different levels.

Level 1 is dedicated to those who speak little to no English.

Level 2 is for those who understand and speak some English but are unable to form proper sentences.

Level 3 is for those who speak English, but need improvement in pronunciation and confidence.

Our curriculum is designed with an emphasis on speech in different media, whether it be through our video lessons or periodic online messaging. For more information on the specifics of our curriculum, please feel free to contact us at

What do we hope this 
 will achieve?

We are able to teach students English within 50 weeks and provide a space for students to confidently practice their language skills. In addition, our teachers, who are undergraduate students at the University of California, Irvine, act as mentors for our students. Our student-teacher relationships also exist so that students may learn from the experiences and advice of their teachers. Our teachers are also able to learn the culture and experiences of growing up in Tijuana from our students.

What does the future of this program 
look like? 

After a student completes the program, we will award them with a scholarship for their success and hard work. This is an incentive for students to endure our rigorous program and requirements. In the future, we would like to provide our students with laptops, learning spaces with internet, as well as other supplemental resources. If you are interested in making this change happen, please donate to our organization today!